Ultrasonic cleaning

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Brief description

Monica came to us with the problem of chipped teeth and old darkened fillings. Today, our clinic in New York has a wide range of methods for effectively solving problems of color, shape, chipping, turning teeth and darkened fillings. So we were happy to help her!
“I want to thank the dentist Isabella Knightley for the work done. My smile is shining!”

Executed work

We made a complete restoration of the anatomical part of the destroyed teeth of Monica with the help of modern ceramic or photopolymer materials. In each specific case, we select the optimal design and form of aesthetic restoration of teeth


Initial consultation
We will contact you within 10 minutes after you submit your application. Then you can come to our clinic for a free consultation.


Dental treatment
After the dentist’s examination, you will be assigned treatment on a specific date and time. We employ qualified specialists.


Issuing a guarantee
After the treatment, we will definitely issue you a warranty card, and if something happens, we will restore your teeth for free.

Free dental check-up from Monday to Friday!


Our patients' results

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Horários de Funcionamento
Seg- Sex 8:00 - 17:00

Nossa clínica foi criada para deixar seu sorriso bonito, saudável e branco como a neve. Oferecemos uma ampla gama de tratamentos dentários e serviços de restauração dentária.

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